The Director’s Half-Cut

The Director’s Half-Cut

‘Get hip to cin-enema-tainment!’ This was intended to be a monthly club night to celebrate all that is good about the cinema. There was music, performed extracts from theatre, TV shows and films, short films and cabaret. I compered, as Hollywood love-child, Otto von...
Terry Allgold

Terry Allgold

This is the first and only show I’ve ever done in French. The character was based on an old TV ad for Terry’s Allgold chocolates featuring a Frenchman. It was a one-man show, where champion name-dropper and actor Terry spilt the haricots on his rollercoaster ride of a...
Dive-In Movies

Dive-In Movies

When I lived in London, I was a member of The South London Swimming Club at The Tooting Bec lido, where I swam regularly – but not quite all year round! 2006 was the centenary year of this fantastic, iconic olympic-sized pool. I was on the events committee and helped...